Thrale/Thrall history

A New Thraliana (1973) 

A chronicle of the Thrale family of Hertfordshire by Richard William Thrale (1931-2007), building on the Thrale chapter from the 1952 book Historic Sandridge. Reproduced in full with consent of the author.

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undeniable fact remains however. The Rev. Griffith gave to the County Museum in the Hatfield Road, St. Albans, the old branding iron of the Thrale family from whence it passed into the possession of Richard Thrale of St. Albans. And the form of the iron is that of a broad arrow! Apparently the mark was used by the family for centuries, its use having to be abandoned with the advent of the Napoleonic Wars and the adoption of the broad arrow as the official government mark. The truth will probably never be known.

As already told, the first Ralph Thrale of the Wheathampstead Court Rolls died in 1683, and like his father, nothing is known. The same Court Roll then records the death of his son Ralph in 1705 with admission of his sole son and heir Ralph. From the first Ralph onwards, it is always eight acres which were passed on from father to son.Ralph Thrale in dying on 1705 left a full will.11 His son William received High Croft in St. Michaels, Wall Close in St. Peters, and £500. His daughter Abigail Prentice is also mentioned, and also his brother Thomas Thrale who was made executor and who was to hold Crouch Farm and found the family providing the South African emigrants. An inventory was taken of his estate in 1705, which runs thus:

'An Inventory taken the 1st day of June in the yeare of our Lord God 1705 of the goods and Chattells of Ralph Thrale late of the parish of Saundridge deceased valued and apraised by us whose names are under written as followeth:

Imprimis 98 acres of wheat and barley more or less at £2.15.0. per acre269100
for 6 acres of wheat more or less @ £1.10.0. per ac.900
for 87 acres of oats and pease more or less at £1.17.0. per acre11790
for 10 acres of mowing grass more or less at 17/- per acre8100
for 41 loads of wheat at 16/- per load32160
for 67 loads of wheat at 15/- per load5050
for pease threshed and unthreshed121100
for oats threshed and unthreshed3090
for hay16120
for 4 bushels of Turnip seed200
for 40 qtrs. of malt at 18/- per qtr3600
for chalfe650


  1. P.C.C. 127 Gee.↩︎

Owner of original Richard William Thrale
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Linked to Richard Thrale/Dorothy Fuller; John Thrale/Sarah Jaques; Richard Grunwyn/Mary Thrale; Onslow Teddar/Mary Thrale; Richard Thrale/Martha Aylward; Robert Penn/Sarah Thrale; male Penn/; John Thrale/Margaret Chaplin; Richard Palmer/Sarah Thrale; Ralph Thrale/Elizabeth Grunwyn; William Thrale/Margaret Smyth; John Grindon/Abigail Thrale; male White/female Pemberton; male White/female Grindon; male Gale/female White; Charles Gale/female Wood; male Wood/female ?; James White/Jeanie Joubert; male Joubert/Bothia Collins; male Sergeant/female Joubert; male Andrews/; Thomas Thrale/Elizabeth Andrews; Ralph Thrale/Mary Crouch; Richard William Thrale; Hester Lynch Salusbury; Hannah Maria Green; Ernest Norman Thrale; Richard Thrale; Richard Thrale; John Thrale; John Thrale; Margaret Thrale; John Thrale; Richard Thrale; Robert Thrale; Robert Thrale; Thomas Thrale; Alban Thrale; Alice ; Jane ; Nicholas Thrale; Francis Thrale; Petronell Thrale; Francis Thrale; Edward Thrale; Alice Thrale; John Thrale; William Thrale; John Thrale; Helen ; Elizabeth Smith; Thomas Thrale; Alban Thrale; Thomas Thrale; John Thrale; Thomas Thrale; Thomas Thrale; Alban Thrale; Elizabeth Jaques; Ralph Thrale; Sarah Thrale; Martha Thrale; Thomas Thrale; Ralph Thrale; William Thrale; Alice Dixon; Robert Thrale; Abby Rebecca Thrale; John Thrale; William Thrale; Ralph Thrale; Ralph Thrale; female Grindon; male White; Elizabeth Pemberton White; female White; Charles Gale; James White; William Thrale; Thomas Thrale; Ralph Thrale; Sandridge, Hertfordshire, England; Sandridgebury, Sandridge, Hertfordshire, England; Clophill, Bedfordshire, England; Luton, Bedfordshire, England; West Hyde, Bedfordshire, England; Thrales End, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, England; Harpenden, Hertfordshire, England; St Albans, Hertfordshire, England; Napsbury, St Albans, Hertfordshire, England; New Mill End, Bedfordshire, England; East Hyde, Bedfordshire, England; Kingsbury, St Albans, Hertfordshire, England; Childwickbury, Sandridge, Hertfordshire, England; Hundreds of Flitt, Bedfordshire, England; Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England; Gifford, Sandy, Bedfordshire, England; Holborn, Middlesex, England; Nomansland, Sandridge, Hertfordshire, England; Astwick, Bedfordshire, England; Flamstead, Hertfordshire, England; Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England; Saint Pauls, Walden, Hertfordshire, England; Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, England; Saint Michaels, St Albans, Hertfordshire, England; Codicote, Hertfordshire, England; Hammonds, Sandridge, Hertfordshire, England; Saint Nicholas Cole Abbey, Middlesex, England; Batchwood, St Michaels, St Albans, Hertfordshire, England
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