Thrale/Thrall history

Anchor Brewery, Bankside, London (1616-1986). 

The history of Anchor brewery from 1616 until 1986, including the 52 years between 1729 & 1781 in which it was owned by Ralph and Henry Thrale.

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James Monger

Anchor Brewery was established by James Monger in 1616 and he owned it until 1657.
Other proprietors: James Monger (Jr)James ChildEdmund HalseyRalph ThraleHenry ThraleBarclay and PerkinsCourage

A brewery at Bankside in Southwark was established by James Monger (the Elder) in 1616 in the grimly named Dead Man’s Place, next to the site of the original Globe Theatre which was destroyed by fire in 1613. James Monger was a … "Citizen and Clothworker of London."

The site had been leased to Monger by Sir John Bodley for a term of 26½ years at an annual rent of £21 10s 0d. The freehold was purchased shortly after by Sir Mathew Brend, who sold it to “Hillarie Mempris, Cityzen and Haberdasher of London”. Hillarie Mempris, in turn, sold the “brewhouse in the tenure or occupation of James Monger” to John Partridge for the sum of £400. John Partridge bequeathed it to his daughter, Susannah, who later became the wife of Edward Noell of Clements Inn.

From that time until 1854, when the last of the property was purchased by Barclay, Perkins & Co., it remained part of  “Noell’s Estate”.

Further information about Anchor Brewery, including its location, development, images and documents is here.

Owner of original David Thrale
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Linked to Anna Thrale; Henry Thrale; Ralph Thrale; Edmund Halsey; Hester Lynch Salusbury; Anchor Brewery, Southwark, Surrey, England
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