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Appendix 1 - Parish Priests of Sandridge

  • Posted on: 21 September 2009
  • By: David Thrale

The names of vicars known to have been non-resident are not given in this list. Names of resident curates-in-charge are included.

Vicar From Until
John Balle 1349 1349
Walter de Flyttewk 1349 1349
John de Redburn 1349
John Olyver 1374
William Ryvell 1374
Richard Horwood 1410 1419
John Bryant 1441 1445
Robert Rydley 1465
William Tyler 1465 1468
Thomas Thykthorp 1468 1470
James Waleys 1470 1477
Gilbert Lancaster 1477
John Norcliff 1527
Hugh Harding 1540 1574
Richard Adamson 1574
Richard Woodward 1581 1586
Stephen Gosson 1586 1592
William Westerman 1592 1622
Richard Westerman 1630
John Lodington 1630 1630
Alexander Wedderburne 1630 1643
John Harper 1643
Joseph Draper 1661
Thomas Owen 1661 1680
Charles Horne 1681 1685
Edmund Wood 1685 1714
William Crowley 1714 1721
Samuel Grice 1721 1744
Thomas Evans 1744 1767
H. Osman (Curate) 1767 1773
Joseph Spooner (Curate) 1773 1775
Robert Welton (Curate) 1776 1793
Robert Welton (Vicar) 1793 1823
Kenneth Bayley (Curate) 1823 1826
William Deane Ryland (Curate) 1826 1837
Charles Boutell (Curate) 1837 1846
Thomas Henry Winbolt (Curate) 1846 1872
John Griffith 1872 1890
James Alexander Cruikshank 1891 1899
Austin Oliver 1899 1905
Hugh Richard Anson 1906 1919
Charles Edward Quin 1919 1926
Samuel Weaver 1927 1929
Tudor Aneurin Talbot Thomas 1929 1939
Edward Giles 1939 1956
Philip Handford 1956 ?
Paul Nelson ? 1998
Vanessa G.Cato 2007

St Leonards website.



I would like to trace the whereabouts of a Maryanne or Marian Giles whose grandfather used to be the vicar of Sandridge parish in the 1950's. Her last known address Beaconsfield Road. St Albans 1979-1980. She was a very dear friend.

Graham Waller

Historic Sandridge by Edward Giles and Richard William Thrale, with sketches by R. Giles. Published 1952. Reproduced with the kind consent of the late Richard Thrale.