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Eighth generation

  • Posted on: 21 September 2009
  • By: David Thrale

The descendants of Walter and Harriet: Reuben R., was born September 23, 1823, in Circleville, Ohio. He married Calista Trumbull, August 18, 1853. They had three children: Alpha, born May 18, 1854; Elon, who died young; and Harriet Ellen, born November 1858. Reuben is a printer, and in June, 1862, was editor and proprietor of the “;Story County Advocate,”; published at Nevada, Iowa.

LUCIAN G., the third son of Walter and Harriet, was born in Circleville, Ohio, November 18, 1825. He learned the art of printing in the office of the “;Ohio State Journal,”; in Columbus, He married Martha Bristol, September 9, 1847. They had four children: Charles L., born August 5,1849; WALTER G., born November 20, 1852; Hattie-Lulie, born December 19, 1857, and who died February 14, 1859; and Frank R., born September 28, 1859. The following is an extract from the Daily Ohio State Journal, of December 6, 1859:

“;L. G. Thrall, who has been connected with the office of the ‘Ohio State Journal,’ in the capacity of apprentice, jour1. and foreman, for eighteen years, has severed that connection, for the purpose of going into the office of the ‘Columbus Gazette,’ as half owner. It would be hard to scare up a better printer; and a more genial, kind-hearted man, does not exist. We are sorry to part with him.”;

He is a Free Mason, and a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

George E., the fourth son of Walter and Harriet, was born in Circleville, Ohio, April 23, 1829. He graduated at Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, in 1848, and finished a theological course of study at the seminary near Alexandria, Virginia. In 1862 he was rector of the Church of the Messiah, at, Brooklyn, New York. He married Thomasina Gists; they had one daughter, Minnie. His second marriage was with Charlotte Bostwick, November 16, 1859.

Melissa H., the second daughter, and sixth child of Walter and Harriet, was born in Granville, Ohio, May 28, 1835. Married Elizur Webster, January 28, 1858. He is a merchant in the City of New York. They reside in Brooklyn. In 1862, they had two children.

Mary A., the seventh child of Walter and Harriet, was born in Granville, Ohio, December 24, 1839. She married Thomas O. Phinney, October 17 1861. He is a farmer, in comfortable circumstances, and resides near Clintonville Franklyn County, Ohio.

All of Walter's descendants, in 1862, were Episcopalians except Lucian and his family, who were Methodists. In politics, they were all Republicans.

Thanks to Sharon Thrall Becker Sharon Thrall Becker, whose kind assistance and contribution helped to bring this information to you.