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First generation

  • Posted on: 26 September 2009
  • By: David Thrale

First Generation—

WILLIAM THRALL was born in 1605; his wife's name was Goode. They had two sons, Timothy and David; perhaps others. William died August 3d, (Sabbath) 1678, aged 73 years. His wife died July 30, 1676.

Dr. Styles, in speaking of the first Indian war in New England, says:

Windsor was required to furnish thirty men for the offensive war against the Pequods, the names of only fifteen of whom can now be found.

William Thrall, our ancestor, was one of the fifteen. The great battle was fought on the 26th of May, 16371. The danger was imminent, and so complete the victory, that it caused universal rejoicing throughout New England, and

a grant of land was given to each soldier and officer2; and to this day the memory of an ancestor who was in the Pequod fight, is an honorable heirloom in every Connecticut family.

Second Generation—

TIMOTHY, the son of William, was born July 26, 1641, and married Deborah Gun, Nov. 10, 1659. He died June —, 1697, aged 56 years. His wife died Jan. 7, 1694. They had nine children: Deborah, Timothy, Mehitable, Elizabeth; John, Martha, Thomas, Samuel and Abigail; the two last were twins. Timothy was a prominent citizen, possessing considerable property and influence. His name often appears in the records of Windsor. There were four generations of the name of Timothy. I do not attempt to give any history of eight of Timothy's children, or of their descendants I only speak of John and his descendants.

Third Generation—

JOHN 1st, the fifth child of Timothy, was born June 5, 1671, and married Mindwell Moses, Jan 6, 1697. They had nine children: John 2d, Moses, Aaron, Amy, Joseph, David, Joel, Charles and Jerusha. John 1st died April 18th, 1732, aged 61 years and 9 months. There were five by the name of John. of different generations. I have seen but little record of this numerous family, except of John 2d.

Fourth Generation—

JOHN 2d, the first child of John Thrall 1st was born Oct. 13, 1699, and married Mary Roberts. They had eight children: John 3d., Mary, Aaron, Lucy, Samuel, Mindwell, Ezekiel and Benjamin. John 2d died in 1762 aged 63 years. John 1st and John 2d, and a number of their descendants are still living there. Dr. Styles says Sergeant David Thrall and Sergeant William Thrall, and Issac and Giles Thrall were soldiers in the Revolutionary war from Windsor.

Thanks to Sharon Thrall Becker Sharon Thrall Becker, whose kind assistance and contribution helped to bring this information to you.