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Sixth generation

  • Posted on: 21 September 2009
  • By: David Thrale

I am enabled to furnish a more full sketch of the sixth and seventh generations, than of those which preceded them, or of the descendants of the seventh.

Theodosia, the first daughter of Samuel and Lucy inter-married with Titus Adams. They removed from Rutland to Esophus, Ulster County, New York, about the year 1810. Their sons were Titus, Jr., Timothy, Benjamin and James, and one daughter, Amanda, who married — Rosecrans, of Ohio. Benjamin’s descendants, in 1860, lived near Springfield, Massachusetts.

Lucy, daughter of Samuel 2d, married Eber Spelman; they lived and died in Stratford, Toland County, Connecticut. They had six sons: Daniel, Eber, Apollos, Sylvester, Samuel and Aaron, and three daughters : Statira, who married John Johnson; Charlotte, married Orren Howland; and Elsamana, married John Cade. All had families, and most of them who were living in 1851, resided in Stratford, Connecticut. Dr Sylvester Spelman resides in Granville, Ohio; he is a worthy member of the Baptist Church, is wealthy and respectable. Eber is a Presbyterian; the daughters are Methodists; Eber, the father, and Daniel, Charlotte, Samuel and Apollos, were dead in 1855. Lucy, the mother, died August 21, 1824, aged 67 years.

Samuel, Jr., the son of Samuel and Lucy, was born August 31, 1760, and died May 8, 1815. He married Triphosa Cooley, sister of the Rev. Dr. Cooley, for more than half a century the pastor of the Congregational Church in Granville, Massachusetts. Samuel was one of the Licking Land Company, who, with others, removed from Granville Massachusetts, in the year 1805, and formed the first settlement in Granville, Ohio, where the Company had purchased a township and three-quarters of land. He was a farmer, a member of the Congregational Church, an honest, industrious and respectable citizen. He had been a soldier in the war of the Revolution; his widow died in 1841, aged 74 years.

They had seven sons : James, Aurelius, Samuel, Cotton M., Alexander, William and Timothy L; and five daughters: Sarah, who married Jacob Goodrich; Mary Ann, who married P. Dean; Abigail, who married George Plumb, and after his death Ira Wood; Lucy, who married Azel Mead, and Barbary, who died aged eleven years. All except the last named had families. James was killed about the year 1814, by the fall of a log or tree while he was chopping it. Aurelius was killed about the year 1831, by the falling of a bank of earth on him, while he was working near it. Samuel was killed about the year 1832, by the kick of a horse; and Cotton M. was killed about the year 1848, by a fall from a wagon. Strange fatality! that the four brothers should, by accident, at different times and ways, meet a sudden death.

Aaron Thrall, the fifth child of Samuel and Lucy, was born January 25, 1763, and died June 7, 1810. He was for many years a Justice of the Peace, active in business, a man of property and an influential citizen. He married Olive Loveland. They had one daughter, Rosetta M., (who married William Paige,) and five sons: Anson R., who died about 1851; Linus G., Aaron W.; (who died in 1820;) Homer L., and Orlando M. Aaron’s widow, married Captain William Mead, and died in 1858, aged 89 years. She was the last survivor of that generation of the Thrall family.

In the year 1815, the families of Aaron Thrall and William Mead emigrated from Rutland, Vermont, to Granville, Ohio. All the children, except Aaron, Jr., raised families. Homer was a distinguished physician, and for a number of years a Professor in Kenyon College. All the children of Aaron were living in January, 1862, except Aaron, Jr. and Anson R.

JESSE. the sixth child of Samuel, was born May 7, 1765, and died at, Circleville, Ohio, December 16, 1843, in the 79th. year of his age. He married Mabel Rose, daughter of Justus and Deborah Rose, January 13, 1791, in Granville, Massachusetts, and soon after settled in Rutland, Vermont. In 1819 he removed to Ohio. He had a strong intellect, a retentive memory, and was a jovial companion; was fond of company, a farmer; he was a man of large size. Mabel his wife, was born in Granville, Massachusetts, January 13, 1768, and died at Granville, Ohio, December 17, 1834, being nearly 67 years old. For about fifty years she was a consistent member of the Baptist Church, beloved by all of her acquaintances, pious and exemplary; a warm friend, and possessed a cultivated mind. This couple had eight children: Luther, Walter, Reuben R., William B., and Charlotte, and three others who died in infancy. The surviving children of their parents were all communicants in the Episcopal Church. I shall say more of them hereafter.

Eliphas, the seventh child and fourth son of Samuel and Lucy, was born June 23, 1767, and died March 15, 1834. He married Polly Mead, who died in 1841, aged 67 years. He was a Justice of the Peace, an upright and industrious citizen, for a number of years a member of the Congregational, and afterwards of the Methodist Church. He had seven sons: Joel, Oliver, Lyman, Eliphas, Benjamin F., Aaron and Worthy; and three daughters: Orrilla, who married Johnson Brown, of Underhill, Vermont; Mary, who married Rev. Thomas Parker, of Licking County, Ohio, and Caroline, who married Samuel Cooper. All had families. The family, except Orrilla, in 1815, moved from Underhill, Vermont, to Granville, Ohio. In 1860, all were dead except Dr. Benjamin F., and Mrs. Parker who who in 1860, resided in Licking County, Ohio. Oliver Lyman, Aaron, Worthy and Caroline, died near Mt. Carmel, Illinois Oliver left five children, Lyman four. Dr. Aaron five, Worthy four, Caroline four, Joel two, Dr Benjamin F., Mrs Parker and Eliphas, each raised nine children; Orrilla left four.

Worthy, the eighth child, and fifth son of Samuel was born May 27, 1769 and died July 16, 1816. He married Sarah Phelps, and lived in Windsor, Connecticut. Their children were: Sally, who married Arthur Griswold, and in 1859 was a widow, living in Windsor; Friend, Harvey, Deborah, Lucy, Lewis, Leicester and Minerva. Friend and his wife and child, were lost in Lake Erie about the year 1830, while emigrating to the West. Report says that four of Worthy’s family were in 1850, living near Tonawanda Creek in Western New York.

Chauncey, the sixth son of Samuel and Lucy, was born December 6, 1772. He married Polly Chipman, and had three sons: Jonathan C., Chauncey, and Samuel R.; and three daughters: Lurena, who married Henry Hewett and both died some years ago; Theodosia, married Judson Gorham, and Mary married Jacob Bailey. Chauncey, Jr., Theodosia, and Mary, and their families, lived in West Rutland, Vermont, in 1860. Jonathan C. died in 1852; his family are in Rutland. He was a communicant in the Episcopal Church, and a man of extensive information and influence Samuel R. is a Presbyterian clergyman in Illinois.

The following obituary notice is copied from the Rutland Herald:

“;Died April 4, 1844, in West Rutland, Chauncey Thrall Esq., aged 72 years. The inhabitants of this place have been called of late to mourn the departure of an unusual number of leading men; men who have occupied such stations, and taken such a part in the affairs of the community as to cause their deaths to be universally felt and lamented. The deceased was one of that number. The equanimity of his temper, and his uniform kindness as a father, can be realized only by those who sustained to him the relation of children, and are left to lament their loss. But as a citizen and a Christian, his example has been before all, and was such as to gain the respect and love of his neighbors, and inspire them with the hope that death did not find him unprepared.”;

He had been a Representative in the Legislature, and most of his life in. some public employment. His wife died a few years before him.

Polly, the youngest daughter of Samuel and Lucy, died near Lockport, New York, July 26, 1840, aged 64 years. She married Solomon Mead, who died about 1821. They had seven children: Helon, Huldah, Mary, Lucy, Hiram, and others. Mr. Mead and family lived in Cornwall, (Vt) until about the year 1817, and after that, in Royalton, near Lockport, New York. Polly’s second marriage was to Paul Sawyer.

Thanks to Sharon Thrall Becker Sharon Thrall Becker, whose kind assistance and contribution helped to bring this information to you.